Official Breed Standard
of the Kennel Union of South Africa

At KUSA licensed events in Conformation (Beauty/Breed) it is only eligible to enter Development Classes t Non-Championship Shows. It is able to enter any Obedience Classes, Working Trials (Classic), Dog Jumping, Agility, Dog Carting events for which it is qualified, with awards.

Must have a good temperament with controlled aggressiveness. Must be intelligent with a steadfast and balanced nature and be faithful to his master until death. Must possess the characteristics of a good watchdog and be loving towards his owners with a special liking for children. Must possess enormous self-confidence.

Must be large, solid, strong and well muscled. Be an impressive, well balanced dog with no obvious signs of any other breed.

Head - large and strong. Short, broad and deep
S symmetrical and balanced
S flat between the ears
S the ideal nasal bone length of males is 10cm and that of bitches 8cm and must be straight with no upturn
S the stop not too prominent
S nostrils large and widely spaced

Eyes - well formed with well pigmented lids
S no bulge - brow bone not prominent
Ears - medium size and V-shaped and in relation to the rest of the head
S fall naturally against the head and positioned fairly high

Jaws - strong, straight and broad
S well shut. The ideal is a scissor bite
S lips must be pigmented and not too fleshy and must cover the teeth

Neck - strong and muscled
S loose dewlap tautening between the legs
S form a well-balanced unity between head and body

Chest - must be strong, well muscled, broad and deep in relation to the dog and its body, with
ample chest capacity
Front Legs - straight, sturdy and positioned under the body with slightly angulated but firm
Shoulders - strong, muscled and supple
Elbows - must not stand out or bend in so that the dog has a comfortable movement
Body - length must be in relation to the size of the dog
Back - strong with a relatively straight topline
Loin - fairly short and well muscled

HINDQUARTERS must be strong, muscled and well constructed
Legs - sturdy with slightly angulated but firm fetlocks
Hocks - correctly angulated and under the body when moving
Paws - well padded, noticeably larger in front
S must not turn out or in, pointing straight forward
Tail - preferably docked. (Long tails are allowed).
S forms a unity with the dog and set fairly high with no deformity

COAT - short and smooth
S COLOUR - any colour is acceptable providing strong pigmentation is present

MOVEMENT powerful and purposeful in line front to rear

Height : Males - ideal height between 60 and 70cm
Females- between 55 and 65cm
Weight :Fully grown and prime condition :
Males - between 60 and 75kg
Females - between 50 and 65kg

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault
should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
(C) Historical Boerboel Association 3/2000
Reprinted with permission
Fedco 12/99
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher.

The publisher of this edition is the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.